The National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)
The National Pool Lifeguard Qualification has been developed to train candidates in the important skills required to work in the leisure industry within the UK, as well as being highly recognised abroad. These skills include:
- Resuscitation
- First Aid
- Scanning Techniques
- Pool Procedures
- Role of a Lifeguard and the Legal Requirements
The course requirements must be met:
- Candidates MUST be 16 years of age prior to the examination date.
- Complete a minimum of 38 hours training.
- Be able to jump/dive into deep water.
- Swim 50 metres in no more than 60 seconds.
- Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back.
- Tread water in deep water for 30 seconds.
- Surface dive to the deepest part of the pool.
- Climb out unaided without the use of the ladder/steps.
NPLQ Renewals
Qualified NPLQ holders can train with SGUK and re-sit their qualification after completing the required hours. SGUK can make the arrangements for the examination.
SGUK are able assess any course in the UK. Please contact us with your details.
National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC)
This course is recognised by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) and is mainly targeted at school teachers and club helpers. The minimum age for this course is 16 years old. The course demonstrates the fundamental skills required for basic First Aid and water skills, including the management of a suspected spinal casualty.